Saturday, March 10, 2012


i promised myself over and over that i wouldn't let this hurrah of being a spring semester senior wash over what i really want to do. people have told me over and over that this was the time to really explore what interests me/what doesn't. i've never thought of what i do everyday - school, work, practice, eat, sleep. why am i doing those things? what is my destination? (these questions arose after reading infinite jest by david foster wallace.) i am going to use this time to find answers to those questions. this entails doing things that i wouldn't necessarily associate with a high school student - going out to eat, see, and experience in general. my friend and i created monday munch madness (m^3) to eat out every monday. maybe i'll post about those in this blog as well. i look forward to going to museums, concerts, going out to eat, and traveling. (going to madrid and marrakech in 2 weeks.) today i went to the moma with a friend of mine from juilliard. i saw the cindy sherman exhibit. i watched a show about her on art21 (nerd alert), and she proclaimed that she didn't believe in art theories, and that she sought to provoke those long standing traditions. in addition, she (as a quasi-feminist) wanted to create large size art works, in order to show a woman's prowess. i thought the idea itself was interesting, yet the execution of it was a bit disappointing. the works became repetitive after a while, and the similarities between the canvases are too obvious for her to embody and satirize those specific characters. then we went to cafe lalo. it was crowded as usual. i'm excited for tomorrow however.

one of cindy sherman's works. an article on her can be found here:

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